Here at South Side Riders UK we live for the road, there is nothing better than getting on your bikes and hitting the road. We take a different route each time we go out, to us the world is big road to explore and when you find that hidden gem hiding away off the beaten track. That gives us the ride of our lives, then we know that's what life on the road is about. We spend a lot of time riding together, having a good time at parties, meets and going on all the trips to best events. SSR UK believe in helping each other out in anyway we can but we wont ask anyone to do something we wont do back. We stick by the old rule; what goes around comes around! The South Side Riders MC offer you a big family that has members all over the world and all treat each other as if we're blood related.
If this is what you are looking for e-mail us have a chat with us or come hang out we would love to hear from you.
SSR UK Prez. Muska |